Tables from the consolidated financial statements and complete financial notes have been attached below:
Selected financial data derived from the consolidated financial statements
Consolidated income statement
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Consolidated statement of financial position
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Consolidated statement of cash flows
1. General information about the Group
2. Basis of preparation of the financial statements
2.1. Statement of compliance
2.2. Going concern
2.3. Management representation
2.4. Approval of the financial statements
3. Description of significant accounting policies
3.1. Functional currency, presentation currency and foreign currencies
3.2. Basis of consolidation
3.3. Accounting for transactions
3.4. Derecognition of financial instruments from the statement of financial position
3.5. The principles for classification of financial instruments
3.6. Financial assets measured at amortized cost
3.7. Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
3.8. Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss
3.9. Equity instruments
3.10 Reclassification of financial assets
3.11. Modifications – changes in contractual cash flows
3.12. Measurement of purchased or originated credit impaired financial assets (POCI)
3.13. Measurement of financial liabilities
3.14. Standards and interpretations applied in the financial statements for the first time in 2019
3.15. New standards and interpretations and amendments thereto that have been published and endorsed by the european union, but have not come into force yet and are not applied by the Group
3.16. New standards and interpretations, as well as their amendments, which were published and have not yet been endorsed by the European Union
4. Explanation of the differences between previously published financial statements and these financial statements
5. Information on operating segments
6. Interest income and expenses
7. Fee and commission income and expenses
8. Dividend income
9. Net gain/(loss) on financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss
10. Foreign exchange gains/(losses)
11. Gains/(losses) on derecognition of financial instruments not measured at fair value through profit or loss
12. Allowances for expected credit losses
13. Impairment of non-financial assets
14. Other operating income and expenses
15. Administrative expenses
16. Net regulatory charges
17. Tax on certain financial institutions
18. Income tax
19. Cash and balances with the central bank
20. Amounts due from banks
21. Hedge accounting
22. Other derivative instruments
23. Nominal amounts of instruments underlying hedging instruments and other derivative instruments
24. Securities
25. Loans and advances to customers
26. Financial assets by stage of impairment and allowances for expected credit losses
27. Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment
28. Other assets
29. Amounts due to banks
30. Amounts due to customers
31. Loans and advances received
32. Liabilities in respect of insurance activities
33. Debt securities in issue
34. Subordinated liabilities
35. Other liabilities
36. Provisions
37. Equity and shareholding structure of the Bank
38. Structure and the scope of activities of the PKO Bank Polski SA Group
39. Investments in associates and joint ventures
40. Changes to companies comprising the Group
41. Dividends per share
42. Leases
43. Contingent liabilities and off-balance sheet liabilities received and granted
44. Legal claims
45. Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement
46. Transactions with the state treasury and related parties
47. Benefits for the PKO Bank Polski SA key management
48. Fair value hierarchy
49. Financial assets and financial liabilities not presented at fair value in the consolidated statement of financial position
50. Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities
51. Assets pledged as collateral for liabilities and transferred financial assets
52. Fiduciary activities
53. Information on the entity authorized to audit the financial statements
54. Risk management within the Group
55. Credit risk management
56. Credit risk - financial information
57. Managing credit concentration risk in the Group
58. Collateral
59. Forbearance practices
60. Exposure to counterparty credit risk
61. Management of currency risk associated with mortgage loans for households
62. Interest rate risk management
63. Currency risk management
64. Liquidity risk management
65. Capital adequacy
66. Leverage ratio
67. Information on securitization of lease portfolio and portfolio sale of receivables
68. Subsequent events
Group in 2019
Bank’s financial position
Group on the WSE