61. Management of currency risk associated with mortgage loans for households

Annual Report

The Group analyses its portfolio of foreign currency mortgage loans to households in a specific manner. The Group monitors the quality of the portfolio on an on-going basis and reviews the risk of deterioration of the portfolio quality. Currently, the quality of the portfolio is at an acceptable level. The Group takes into consideration the risk of foreign currency mortgage loans for households in the capital adequacy and own fund management.

Individuals Individual entrepreneurs,
Non-commercial institutions operating for the benefit of households
brutto allowance net brutto allowance net brutto allowance net
PLN 89 745 (1 034) 88 711 4 081 (11) 4 070 93 826 (1 045) 92 781
CHF 21 410 (692) 20 718 4 4 21 414 (692) 20 722
EUR 2 825 (53) 2 772 2 825 (53) 2 772
USD 50 (6) 44 50 (6) 44
UAH 209 (21) 188 209 (21) 188
OTHER 9 9 9 9
TOTAL 114 248 (1 806) 112 442 4 085 (11) 4 074 118 333 (1 817) 116 516

Individuals Individual entrepreneurs,
Non-commercial institutions operating for the benefit of households
brutto allowance net brutto allowance net brutto allowance net
PLN 81 891 (1 068) 80 823 3 964 (14) 3 950 85 855 (1 082) 84 773
CHF 23 259 (683) 22 576 4 4 23 263 (683) 22 580
EUR 3 154 (53) 3 101 3 154 (53) 3 101
USD 59 (6) 53 59 (6) 53
UAH 135 (19) 116 135 (19) 116
OTHER 10 10 10 10
TOTAL 108, 508 (1 829) 106 679 3 968 (14) 3 954 112 476 (1 843) 110 633

The Bank includes the following customer groups to households: private individuals being mortgage banking clients, individual entrepreneurs and individual farmers.

up to 2002 year Gross amount 98 98
Allowances for credit losses (2) (2)
Net amount 96 96
Number of loans granted 6 704 6 704
from 2003 to 2006 Gross amount 4 974 4 794
Allowances for credit losses (107) (107)
Net amount 4 867 4 867
Number of loans granted 47 821 47 821
from 2007 to 2009 Gross amount 12 753 12 753
Allowances for credit losses (542) (542)
Net amount 12 211 12 211
Number of loans granted 54 056 54 056
from 2010 to 2012 Gross amount 3 362 3 085 6 447
Allowances for credit losses (39) (57) (96)
Net amount 3 323 3 028 6 351
Number of loans granted 11 115 12 709 23 824
from 2013 to 2016 Gross amount 5 14 19
Allowances for credit losses (2) (2)
Net amount 5 12 17
Number of loans granted 18 47 65
Total Gross amount 3 367 20 924 24 291
Allowances for credit losses (39) (710) (749)
Net amount 3 328 20 214 23 542
Number of loans granted 11 133 121 337 132 470

DATE 31.12.2018
up to 2002 year Gross amount 130 130
Allowances for credit losses (3) (3)
Net amount 127 127
Number of loans granted 7 850 7 850
from 2003
to 2006
Gross amount 5 491 5 491
Allowances for credit losses (120) (120)
Net amount 5 371 5 371
Number of loans granted 51 943 51 943
from 2007
to 2009
Gross amount 13 899 13 899
Allowances for credit losses (527) (527)
Net amount 13 372 13 372
Number of loans granted 56 045 56 045
from 2010
to 2012
Gross amount 3 562 3 373 6 935
Allowances for credit losses (33) (52) (85)
Net amount 3 529 3 321 6 850
Number of loans granted 11 527 13 353 24 880
from 2013
to 2016
Gross amount 5 17 22
Allowances for credit losses (4) (4)
Net amount 5 13 18
Number of loans granted 18 53 71
Razem Gross amount 3 567 22 910 26 477
Allowances for credit losses (33) (706) (739)
Net amount 3 534 22 204 25 738
Number of loans granted 11 545 129 244 140 789

Legal risk of mortgage loans in convertible currencies

As at 31 December 2019 the Group recognized the impact of legal risk related to the portfolio of mortgage loans in convertible currencies granted to households in its financial statements. In accordance with IAS 37, the Group recorded a provision for potential litigation of PLN 29 million for repaid loan agreements. For active agreements, the Group adjusted the gross carrying amount of mortgage loans to reflect the modified estimated cash flows arising from the agreements, in accordance with IFRS 9, and reduced their value by PLN 281 million. At the same time, as at 31 December 2019 the Group recorded a provision of PLN 141 million for pending litigation in its financial statements, and adjusted the gross carrying amount of mortgage loans by this amount. The aggregate impact of legal risk of PLN 451 million was recognized in the income statement in a separate line as the cost of legal risk related to mortgage loans in convertible currencies.

The Group applied two independent models of predicting potential losses arising from the legal risk and obtained similar amounts of expected loss. These models take into account the forecast increase in the number of suits in the three-year horizon and divide the portfolio of mortgage loans in convertible currencies into generations, among others, based on the following criteria: characteristics of the agreement, date of granting the loan, exchange rate as at the grant date, loan amount, type of product and entity granting the loan. The calculation of potential losses takes into account possible scenarios of how the litigation would be resolved and their probability, taking into account the history of former verdicts and assessments by independent law firms.

The Group calculated the legal risk-related loss using the statistical method in respect of the expected value being the sum of the products of the probabilities of specific litigation resolutions and the loss calculated for each scenario, taking into account alternative prediction methods with respect to the number of disputes within a three-year horizon. Additionally, the Group’s model takes into account the effect of customer characteristics on the amount of expected loss.

The Group applied simplifications in the calculation of expected loss in connection with legal risk following from an analysis of a long series of historical data, including data of the acquired entities and a number of scenarios of possible dispute resolutions. In the Group’s opinion, the simplifications adopted do not have a significant effect on the amount of potential loss.

Due to a short horizon of available historical data and significant uncertainty as to the direction of court decisions as well as the market conditions, the adopted methodology for estimating losses related to legal risk will be updated in subsequent reporting periods.

The Group conducted a sensitivity analysis of models under which a change in the following parameters would have the following effect on the amount of the estimated allowance for legal risk:

Parameter Scenario Impact on the loss due to legal risk of the portfolio of mortgage loans
in convertible currencies granted to households
Number of lawsuits 20% 62
-20% (62)
Time horizon of the forecast 4 year 115
2 year (106)

If an additional 1% of the Bank’s customers holding mortgage loans in convertible currencies filed a lawsuit against the Bank, then the impact on the loss due to legal risk of the portfolio of mortgage loans in convertible currencies would increase by PLN 100 million.

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