65. Capital adequacy

Annual Report

Capital adequacy

Capital adequacy management is a process intended to ensure that the level of risk which the Bank and the Group assumes in relation to the development of its business activities may be covered with its capital, taking into account a specific risk tolerance level and time horizon. The process of managing capital adequacy comprises, in particular, compliance with the applicable regulations of the supervisory and control authorities, as well as the risk tolerance level determined within the Bank and the Bank’s Group and the capital planning process, including the policy concerning the sources of acquisition of capital.

The objective of capital adequacy management is to maintain own funds at a level which is adequate to the scale and profile of the risk relating to the Group’s activities at all times.

The process of managing the Group’s capital adequacy comprises:

  • specifying and pursuing the Group’s capital targets;
  • identifying and monitoring significant types of risk;
  • measuring or estimating internal capital to cover individual risk types of risk and total internal capital;
  • determining strategic tolerance limits and thresholds of capital adequacy measures;
  • forecasting, monitoring and reporting the level and structure of equity and capital adequacy;
  • managing the structure of the balance sheet to optimize the quality of the Bank’s own funds,
  • emergency measures with regard to capital;
  • stress tests;
  • planning and allocating own funds and internal capital to business areas and customer segments in the Bank as well as individual Group companies;
  • assessing the profitability of individual business areas and customer segments.

Capital adequacy measures include:

  • total capital ratio (TCR);
  • the ratio of own funds to internal capital;
  • Tier 1 core capital ratio (CET1);
  • Tier 1 capital ratio (T1);
  • leverage ratio;
  • MREL ratio in relation to total equity and liabilities.

The objective of monitoring the level of capital adequacy measures is to determine the degree of compliance with supervisory standards and to identify cases which require emergency measures to be implemented or a capital protection plan to be prepared.

Major regulations applicable in the capital adequacy assessment process include:

  • the Polish Banking Law;
  • the CRR;
  • the Act of 5 August 2015 on macro-prudential supervision over the financial system and crisis management in the financial system (as amended), hereinafter referred to as “the Act on macro-prudential supervision”;
  • the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 6 March 2018 on the risk management and internal control systems, remuneration policy and the detailed procedure for estimating the internal capital in banks;
  • the Act of 10 June 2016 on the Bank Guarantee Fund, Deposit Guarantee Scheme and Resolution.

In accordance with Article 92 of the CRR, the minimum levels of the capital ratios to be maintained by the Group are as follows:

  • total capital ratio (TCR) – 8.0%;
  • Tier 1 capital ratio (T1) – 6.0%;
  • Tier 1 core capital ratio (CET1) – 4.5%

In accordance with the Act on macro-prudential supervision, the Group is obliged to maintain a combined buffer above the minimum set in Article 92 of the CRR Regulation, representing the sum of the applicable buffers, namely:

  • the conservation buffer which applies to all banks. As at 31 December 2019, the conservation buffer amounted to 2.5%.
  • the countercyclical buffer imposed to mitigate the systemic risk arising from the credit cycle. The Group calculates the countercyclical buffer at the level specified by the relevant authority of the country where the Group has exposures. The countercyclical buffer for loan exposures on the territory of Poland is equal to zero. Due to the fact that the Group also conducts foreign activities, the level of the countercyclical buffer specific to the Group is 0.01%.
  • the systemic risk buffer – intended to prevent and mitigate long-term non-cyclical risk or prudential risk which may cause strong negative consequences for the financial system and the economy of a given country. As at 31 December 2019, the systemic risk buffer was equal to 3% for exposures on the territory of Poland. Due to the fact that the Group also conducts foreign activities, the systemic risk buffer specific to the Bank’s Group is 2.88%
  • O-SII buffer related to the Bank being identified as a systemically important institution, which did not change in 2019 and amounts to 1% of the total exposure to risk calculated in accordance with the IRR Regulation.

In addition, the Group is obliged to maintain own funds to cover an additional capital requirement in order to hedge the risk resulting from mortgage-secured loans and advances to households, denominated in foreign currencies (“discretionary capital requirement”). As at 31 December 2019, the discretionary capital requirement for consolidated capital ratios was: 0.36 p.p. for the total capital ratio; 0.27 p.p. for Tier 1 capital ratio; and 0.20 p.p. for Tier 1 core capital ratio.

Irrespective of the above buffers, to meet the requirements for distributing 100% of the profit, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority determined an add-on in respect of the Bank’s sensitivity to an adverse macroeconomic scenario, of 0.10 p.p.

On 4 November 2019, the Group received a letter from the Bank Guarantee Fund concerning the plan for achieving the required minimum level of own funds and liabilities which can be written off or converted (MREL). The MREL set for the Bank on the consolidated level amounted to 14.376% of the total liabilities and own funds (“TLOF”), which corresponds to 22.807% of the total risk exposure (“TRE”). This requirement should be achieved as at 1 January 2023. The BGF has set a path for reaching the target level of MREL according to which as at the end of 2019 the ratio of MREL to TLOF is 9.316% on the consolidated level, which corresponds to 14.779% of TRE. As at 31 December 2019 the Bank’s consolidated MREL ratio amounted to 11.665% in relation to TLOF and 18.419% in relation to TRE, significantly exceeding the transitional levels indicated by the Bank Guarantee Fund.

Own funds for capital adequacy purposes

In 2019 and 2018, the Group’s capital adequacy level remained at a safe level, well above the supervisory limits.

Requirements relating to own funds (Pillar I)

The Group calculates own funds requirements for the following types of risk:

CREDIT RISK under the standard approach, using the following formulas with regard to:

BALANCE SHEET EXPOSURES – a product of a carrying amount (accounting for adjustments for specific credit risk), a risk weight of the exposure calculated according to the standardized method of credit risk requirement as regards own funds and 8% (considering recognized collateral),

OFFBALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES GRANTED – a product of the amount of a liability (accounting for adjustments for specific credit risk), a risk weight of the product, a risk weight of off-balance sheet exposure calculated according to the standardized method of credit risk requirement for own funds and 8% (accounting for recognized collateral),

OFF-BALANCE SHEET TRANSACTIONS (DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS) – a product of risk weight of an offbalance sheet transaction calculated according to the standardized method of credit risk requirement for own funds, the equivalent of the off-balance sheet transaction in the statement of financial position and 8% (the value of the equivalent in the statement of financial position is calculated in accordance with the mark-to-market method).

  • in accordance with the AMA approach – with respect to the Bank’s activities, taking into account the branch in Germany and excluding the branch in the Czech Republic;
  • in accordance with the BIA approach – with respect to the activities of the branch in the Czech Republic and entities of the Group subject to the prudential consolidation.
  • currency risk – calculated under the core approach;
  • commodity risk – calculated under the simplified approach;
  • equity instruments risk – calculated under the simplified approach;
  • specific risk of debt instruments – calculated under the core approach;
  • general risk of debt instruments – calculated under the duration-based approach;
  • other types of risk, other than delta risk (non-delta risk) calculated under the scenario approach in the case of options for which the Bank uses its own valuation models and under the delta plus approach for other options.
  • settlement risk and delivery risk – calculated under the approach specified in Title V, ‘Own funds requirements for settlement risk’ of the CRR;
  • counterparty credit risk – calculated under the approach set out in Chapter 6, ‘Counterparty credit risk’ of Title II, ‘Capital requirements for credit risk’ of the CRR;
  • credit valuation adjustment risk – calculated under the approach specified in Title VI, ‘Own funds requirements for credit valuation adjustment risk’ of the CRR;
  • exceeding the large exposures limit – calculated under the approach set out in paragraphs 395-401 of the CRR;
  • for exposures to a central counterparty, a requirement for transactions and contributions made to the default fund of a qualifying central counterparty is calculated.

31.12.2019 31.12.2018
Total own funds 39 417 37 850
Tier 1 capital 36 717 35 150
Share capital 1 250 1 250
Supplementary capital 29 428 29 281
Other reserves 3 160 3 753
General banking risk fund 1 070 1 070
Accumulated other comprehensive income (excluding cash flow hedges) 238 226
fair value of financial assets measured at fair value through OCI 459 492
foreign exchange differences on translation of foreign branches (193) (242)
actuarial gains and losses (16) (11)
share in other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures (12) (13)
Current period profit/loss (lowered by expected charges, included by permission from
the PFSA)
1 038 1 678
Undivided profit/uncovered losses 2 417 (88)
Intangible assets (2 820) (2 810)
(-) Goodwill (1 109) (1 160)
(-) Other intangible assets (1 711) (1 650)
Adjustments to Tier 1 936 790
fair value gains and losses arising from the institution’s own credit risk related to derivative liabilities (DVA) (10) (9)
additional valuation adjustment (AVA) (84) (59)
adjustment resulting from transitional solutions to mitigate the impact of IFRS 9 adoption on equity 1 030 858
Tier 2 capital 2 700 2 700
Equity instruments and subordinated loans eligible as Tier 2 capital 2 700 2 700
Requirements for own funds 17 120 16 035
Credit risk 15 835 14 893
Operational risk 843 645
Market risk 419 472
Credit valuation adjustment risk 23 25
Total capital adequacy ratio 18.42% 18.88%
Tier 1 capital ratio 17.16% 17.54%

According to CRR Regulations for capital adequacy purposes, prudential consolidation is used, unlike consolidation in accordance with IFRS, includes only subsidiaries that meet the definition of an institution, financial institution or any ancillary services enterprise.

In addition, pursuant to Article 19 Paragraph 1 of the CRR, prudential consolidation may exclude entities whose total value of assets and off-balance sheet items are less than EUR 10 million.

Other subsidiaries, not consolidated with the full method for the purposes of prudential consolidation are measured using the equity method.

The Group for the purposes of prudential consolidation consists of following entities:

  • PKO Bank Polski SA;
  • Grupa Kapitałowa PKO Leasing SA;
  • PKO Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA;
  • Grupa Kapitałowa KREDOBANK SA;
  • PKO Finance AB;
  • PKO BP Finat sp. z o.o.;
  • PKO Bank Hipoteczny SA;
  • Grupa Kapitałowa Bankowe Towarzystwo Kapitałowe SA

Non-financial and insurance entities are excluded from the prudential consolidation.

The table below shows a reconciliation of items of the statement of financial position used to calculate own funds with the regulatory own funds.

31.12.2019 Statement of financial position
under IFRS
Elimination of companies excluded
from prudential
Statement of
financial position
under CRR
Items not included
in regulatory own
Items included
in regulatory own
Intangible assets 3 178 (164) 3 014 (194) 2 820
Subordinated liabilities 2 730 2 730 (30) 2 700
Share capital 1 250 1 250 1 250
Supplementary capital 29 429 (1) 29 428 29 428
Other reserves 3 237 (77) 3 160 3 160
General banking risk fund 1 070 1 070 1 070
Accumulated other comprehensive income 469 469 (231) 238
fair value of financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 456 3 459 459
cash flow hedges 232 (1) 231 (231)
foreign exchange differences on translation of foreign branches (191) (2) (193) (193)
actuarial gains and losses (15) (1) (16) (16)
share in other comprehensive income of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures (13) 1 (12) (12)
Net profit or loss for the year 4 031 19 4 050 (3 012) 1 038
Retained earnings 2 101 316 2 417 2 417
Non-controlling interests (9) 9
TOTAL EQUITY 41 578 266 41 844 (3 243) 38 601
fair value gains and losses arising from the institution’s own credit risk related to derivative liabilities (DVA) (10)
additional valuation adjustment (AVA) (84)
adjustment resulting from transitional solutions to mitigate the impact of IFRS 9 adoption on equity 1 030

31.12.2018 Statement of
financial position
under IFRS
Elimination of companies excluded
from prudential
Statement of
financial position
under CRR
Items not included
in regulatory own
Items included
in regulatory own
Intangible assets 3 195 (164) 3 031 (221) 2 810
Subordinated liabilities 2 731 2 731 (31) 2 700
Share capital 1 250 1 250 1 250
Supplementary capital 29 354 (73) 29 281 29 281
Other reserves 3831 (78) 3 753 3 753
General banking risk fund 1 070 1 070 1 070
Accumulated other comprehensive income 250 (1) 249 (23) 226
fair value of financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 492 492 492
cash flow hedges 22 1 23 (23)
foreign exchange differences on translation of foreign branches (241) (1) (242) (242)
actuarial gains and losses (10) (1) (11) (11)
share in other comprehensive income of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures (13) (13) (13)
Net profit or loss for the year 3 741 44 3 785 (2 107) 1 678
Retained earnings (385) 297 (88) (88)
Non-controlling interests (10) 10
TOTAL EQUITY 39 101 199 39 300 (2 130) 37 170
debit valuation adjustment, additional valuation adjustment (68)
adjustment resulting from transitional solutions to mitigate the impact of IFRS 9 adoption on equity 858

Consolidated income statement in accordance with the CRR

Interest and similar income 12 746 11 585
Interest expenses and similar charges (2 495) (2 258)
Net interest income/(expense) 10 251 9 327
Fee and commission income 4 245 4 128
Fee and commission expense (1 085) (1 029)
Net fee and commission income 3 160 3 099
Dividend income 14 12
Net gain/(loss) in financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss 180 40
Net foreign exchange gains / (losses) 473 497
Gains/(losses) on derecognition of financial instruments not measured at fair value through profit or loss 143 128
Net credit losses (1 148) (1 328)
Impairment of non-financial assets (111) (113)
Cost of the legal risk of mortgage loans in convertible currencies other (451)
Other operating income 608 310
Other operating expenses (352) (280)
Net other operating income and expense 256 30
Administrative expenses (5 497) (5 187)
Net regulatory charges (531) (574)
Tax on certain financial institutions (1 014) (944)
Operating profit 5 725 4 987
Share in profits and losses of associates and joint ventures 82 109
Profit before tax 5 807 5 096
Income tax expense (1 757) (1 311)
Net profit (including non-controlling shareholders) 4 050 3 785
Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling shareholders
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent company 4 050 3 785

Internal capital (Pillar II)

In 2019, the Group calculated internal capital in accordance with the commonly binding legal regulations:

  • the CRR;
  • the Polish Banking Law;
  • the Regulation of the Minister of Development and Finance of 6 March 2017 on the risk management and internal control systems, remuneration policy and the detailed procedure for estimating the internal capital in banks;
  • The Act on Macro-prudential supervision; and the internal regulations of the Bank and the Group.

Internal capital is the amount of capital estimated by the Group that is necessary to cover all of significant risks characteristic of the Group’s activities and the effect of changes in the business environment, taking account of the anticipated risk level. The estimation of internal capital is aimed at determining the minimum level of own funds which ensures the safety of operations, taking into account changes in the profile and scale of the operations as well as adverse stress conditions.

The internal capital for covering significant risk types is determined using the methods specified in the internal regulations.

The relation of the Group’s own funds to its internal capital remained on a level exceeding both the threshold set by the law and the Group’s internal limits.

Disclosures (Pillar III)

The Group publishes annual information in particular concerning risk management and capital adequacy in accordance with: the CRR Regulation and the executive acts to the CRR, guidelines of the European Banking Authority, including guidelines concerning disclosure requirements pursuant to section eight of the CRR Regulation (“EBA guidelines”), the Act on Macro-prudential supervision, the Polish Banking Law Act, Recommendations H, M and P issued by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority as part of the Report, “Capital adequacy and other information to be published by the Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Banku Polskiego Spółka Akcyjna Group”.

Details of the scope of information disclosed, the method of its verification and publication are presented in PKO Bank Polski SA Capital Adequacy Information Policies and other information to be published, which are available on the Bank’s website (www.pkobp.pl).

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